Yay it's mid term break, and I was sinful enough to go out to shoot. Should have been revising for mid term tests, but the lure of a concert shoot was just too much. Quite last minute notification (but i was guilty for not bothering to ask around). Just picked up the cam and go! More after the break.
The singer was by the name of Elva (whom i heard wrongly as ah hua the day b4). Just 1 singer. Easy target i thought. But upon arrival i realised that there was no arrangement for me to go within the barricades. This meant that i've to crowd around with amatuers wielding compact cameras, and enthusiasts banging their Gary Fong diffusers around thinking that they-should-display-it-since-they-bought-it. Crap. The worse part was the fact that i've to handle front row spectators as there were times when i had to block their view just to get the shot. Maybe the organisers thought Friday Weekly wasn't a paper with enough publicity, or I was too young to know how to dodge video cams. Whatever.
Well, after the first few songs i found myself without much space to move, so i ended up camping one spot with more variety of light changes. Despite the considerably less mobility, I found that i've returned with more keepers this round, mainly due to 3 reasons.
Firstly, i had a better feel of the metering having been to Max Pavilion before. A good point to base your exposure off would be the main projector screen behind. Just manual meter that screen, and adjust your compensation from there. Shouldn't vary much (unless they decide to pull stunts and use candle-light). I shot RAW this time round since i have more computing power now, and quickly realised i don't have enough mem space. Well, 160+ pictures is still more than enough.
Secondly, the AF settings were more appropriate. 21pt Dynamic for tele shots, 51pt dynamic for wide. Important to set AF lock-on to long. I set it to short the last time round which resulted in it focusing on the background immediately should the subject leave the AF pt. Don't bother with 3D tracking since the colours change so wildly it would be thrown off. I only had less than 10 OOF pics, of which half were handshake as i attempted to pull some motion blur stunts.
Thirdly, I had the luxury to shoot throughout the session. Only 5 songs in total, but with enough breaks in between to check my pics and correct my mistakes.
So much for now. I saw adverts for a few more concerts coming up in Oct to Dec, and hopefully when we get the chance to shoot again, these info would be somewhat useful.
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