Yet another RANT

Where I failed:
- Too tight crops of subjects. I was a little too desperate to capture certain expressions, so much so that I zoomed right into their faces. Not only does it look weird to have 6mpx worth of a face, the picture also fails to tell a story. Why did this person laugh? Why the funny expression? An excuse I can come up with is that with a small and dark viewfinder, I tend to zoom in more closely to look at the expressions. Crap, another excuse for a d300.
- Too much tilt shots. This is getting out of hand. An occasional tilt adds life to the set, but overdoing it resulted in a hap-hazard presentation. Stupid. In my tries for the perfect tilt, I screwed up many shots that would otherwise be ok. In addition, having too much tilt shots also shows that i lack maturity and proper composition skills.
- Poor focus. Can't be helped, I'll get the solution should a new wedding assignment draws near.
- Not observant of light. Mounting a flash results in being totally insensitive to light. I should also learn to add more direction to where my flash is bounced, but have to watch where I blast it at.
- Bias towards family members. I shot so many pictures of my relatives I find them sick. Should have paid more attention to other people. I still lack professionalism.
- Lazy. Somewhere into the dinner, I felt tired and began to think I've got enough shots. But the truth is, the later into the night, the livelier the crowd becomes, and the more opportunities there are. Haiz.
- Expression. Of course as I mentioned I get too tight expressions, but having expressions is still better than none at all. At least there is a little more variety compared to previous weddings.
- Exposure. Although I have no fast lens and hot bodies, I do have a good flash, helping me nail the exposure for the bread and butter group shots. I need to develop a way to flash without getting reflections from glasses though. An option would be off hand lighting, which is cumbersome.
- Workflow. I learnt to be more organized in picking out the better pictures and developing them, saving time (as if i'm in a
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