Surprise surprise
Sorry.. still no photos to show. Haven't been photographically active these days, which is a sad case since my poor gear are left at home, depreciating.
Damn. Now to the topic of the day.
The latest announcement by Nikon caught my attention. AF-S 35mm f1.8 DX. This is one sweet little lens which sits nicely at the lower rung of the product line, finally giving budget conscious users a chance to explore low light photography. A very smart and well placed product. I'm tempted.
Always wanted a cheap "normal" prime. The options before this were the sigma 30mm f1.4 (500++) or the nikkor 35mm f2 (350++). Decided against the sigma due to quality control issues (and lack of AF fine tune), and the nikkor isn't as sharp at F2. While this new f1.8 isn't that much better, if it's cheap enough (200+) and sharp enough, it'll probably earn a place in my bag.
All the slamming about it being a DX lens are probably rants by loaded chaps who don't mind paying 1k+ for a 35mm f1.4. Give us more cheap primes nikon. Save the FFs for when my pictures are worth more than my equipment.
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